Our Own People

In Crazy Rich Asians, both the book and the movie, there's a recurring mention of "our own people." This phrase represents an exclusive circle of friends or family who share similar backgrounds, education, or values. It's a notion that resonates deeply, reflecting a universal yearning for belonging.

Ever since I was little, whenever I grumbled to my dad about feeling isolated or singled out at school, work, or in other community settings, he would constantly reassure me that all the hardship would cease once I found my own people in the right community.

"Once you meet the right people, your life and communication will flow smoothly," he'd say.

But how do you find these elusive "right people"? My dad's wisdom was both simple and complex. Some are born into the right community, some go to the right schools, and others meet through shared interests. His advice: go out, experience a lot, and eventually, you’ll find them.

These days, I think the best way to meet our own kind is to start with ourselves. By learning who we are—what we love, what we loathe—we can more easily recognize who belongs to our world. It’s a bit like tuning a radio; at first, there’s static, but with patience, the right frequency comes through.

In our hyper-connected era, the quest to find "our own people" is a different ball game. I also think I have been reading and watching Bridgerton these days. Social media, interest groups, and community events offer a smorgasbord of opportunities to connect with like-minded souls. Yet, it’s crucial to approach these interactions with genuine curiosity and an open heart. Often, the connections we seek spring up in the most unexpected places.

And, on the other side, if we don’t really know who we are, then how can we ever attack the people kind of people?

A big part of this process is embracing vulnerability. By learning our true selves—warts and all—we create spaces for deeper connections with our own. Vulnerability breeds trust and empathy, allowing relationships to grow beyond the surface. It’s in these moments of raw honesty that we find people who truly get us. If we don’t lie to ourselves or about ourselves, eventually, we meet the people who GET us.

Finding "our own people" is an ongoing adventure, not a final destination. And we changes. As we evolve, our needs and preferences shift, and so do our relationships. It’s a dynamic dance that calls for continuous self-reflection and adaptability.

So, here's to the journey of self-discovery and the joy of finding those who make us feel at home. Embrace the ride, stay open, be conscious, and remember that the right people are out there, somewhere, tuning their radios just like you.

all copyright reserve ©Cordelia Shan


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